Arteries are the tubes that connect the heart with the different tissues of the body. They carry fresh blood rich in oxygen from the heart to the different tissues such as muscles, bones and internal organs of the body. Arterial disease commonly involves blockage of these tubes. Less commonly, the artery may undergo ballooning, which is called an “aneurysm”.
In the human body, blood circulates from the heart to the different parts of the body and back to the heart. This circulation continues throughout life. Blood circulates in special tubes that go to every part of the body. Fresh blood (which is rich in oxygen and nutrients) travels from the heart to the peripheries by tubes called arteries. In the peripheries, tissues such as muscles, skin and bones use up the oxygen and nutrients. The blood becomes poor in oxygen and nutrients. It has more carbon-dioxide and wastes dissolved in it. This “impure” blood returns back to the heart for re-oxygenation. The tubes that carry the “impure” blood back to the heart are called as veins.
What are the problems caused by blocked arteries? Blockage of arteries supplying a part of the body reduces the blood flow to that part. For example, if the artery which supplies blood to the leg is blocked, foot gangrene and infection will result. In other words, the foot undergoes rotting (leg attack). Blockage of leg arteries is one of the commonest vascular problems among Indians. The problem of blockage of peripheral arterial disease is made more severe by diabetes. India is the diabetic capital of the world.