Anwar Pasha Herbal

Dry Gangrene ...

Types of gangrene Dry gangrene: Dry gangrene is caused when your body part does not get sufficient oxygen, this makes the part deteriorate and finally die. Dry gangrene does not have chances of infection.
Wet gangrene: When bacteria invade the organ, wet gangrene occurs; there can be moisture due to the presence of bacteria which makes the tissue die. Wet gangrene is considered more serious than dry gangrene because of chances of spreading the infection to other parts of the body. Shortness of breath, feeling of vomiting, and a sudden episode of heavy cold sweating are the other coronary artery disease symptoms.
Gas gangrene: Clostridium perfringenis bacterium is the main cause of gas gangrene. The bacteria cause gas bubbles and toxins inside the affected area and the toxic gasses cause tissue death. This is a fatal type of gangrene.

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